Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation Team

The AFFT (Adult Faith Formation Team) has as its primary focus adult faith formation and education. They are more than just volunteers; they are stewards who freely share their God-given talents to help draw out from this community of faith a greater return to the Lord. Their purpose is to be interactive with the parish. Their statement of intent: Striving under the direction of the Holy Spirit, we present regular and enriching opportunities for the deepening renewal and growth of individual as well as community spirituality for our parish family.

Contact: call the parish office at 314-965-3985.

For in him, we live and move and have our being. —Acts 17:28




Adult Faith Formation Team

Fr. Grosch -


Joyce Bryan -

Sara Dolan -

Dan Dykas -

Jan Glunt -

Charlie Klasek -

Liz Ortmann -

Peg Petralia -

Debbie Rehm -

Bobbie Von Ritter -

New ideas are always welcome!  Contact Fr. Grosch or any member of the Adult Faith Formation Team (AFFT).