Core Team
President: Marita Wehde
Vice President:
Communications: Joann Donelon
For more information regarding the Marian Guild, contact
CLICK HERE to sign up for the Marian Guild email list
Marian Guild Circles
Parents and Litttle Spirits (PaLS): Theresa Haluska & Kathleen Pavic
Children's Liturgy of the Word: Therese Haluska
10am Mass Childcare: OPEN
MG Garden Club: Mary Kempa
Quilters/Cancer Hats: Jan Hinkebein & Betty Bruno
St. Elizabeth: OPEN
Wedding Preparation: Lori Hartman
Helping Hands: Pat Bander, JoAnn Gallen & Debbie Rehm
Welcoming Committee: Sarah Veninga
Book Club: Mary Jo McLaughlin
Birthright Card Party: Kelly Wacker
Mother's Day Rose Sale: Mary Jo McLaughlin
Advent by Candlelight: OPEN
Poinsettia Sale: Stephanie Gummersheimer & Laurie Tighe
Faith Opportunity
Join us in the Parish Meeting Rooms at 7:30pm every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month as the Marian Guild leads the parish wide rosary.