Archdiocese of St. Louis purchases property at the intersection of Dougherty Ferry and Ballas for the new parish. In agreement between Archbishop Ritter (Archbishop of St. Louis) and Very Reverend James Vance C. SS.R. (Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Order in St. Louis) The Redemptorist order would take over the parish property and the loan that was given out to create the parish. 

This parish was given to the Redemptorist community as an effort to maintain a strong presence in Kirkwood, close to the St. Joseph Seminary, which was run by the Order. It was also given in a small effort to not exclude the Redemptorist order when the Benedictines had recently been given control of St. Anselm. Father Kelly is made the first pastor of St. Gerard Majella. 



Groundbreaking begins in April, Mass and parish gatherings primarily happen at the St. Joseph Seminary during the time before the opening of the parish grounds.



August 15th marks the first Mass at the new parish grounds. The Parish brings in the I.H.M sisters (Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Michigan) to run the new school with upwards of 200 students enrolled. 

Dedication of the new church happens in December by Archbishop Ritter.



In February, the priests move into the new parish rectory. Priests had previously not lived on campus and were still living at the St. Joseph Seminary. The CYC youth group is formed.



The sisters move into their new convent in the new Apple Hill subdivision across ballas road. The sisters had previously been living in a section of the school.



The parish council is formed in accordance with the Second Vatican Council, changes are made around the church to accord with the new rules and guidelines.



First Director of Religious Education is appointed. 500 Registered Families 



Parish expansion study is done by the Parish Council to plan for future development 



Building Development Fund for the new church building starts under the guidance of Pastor Rev. James Shea 



Parish celebrates 25th anniversary 



Groundbreaking ceremonies take place for the new church



Archbishop John L. May dedicates the new church 



After thirty four years of teaching at the school, the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary pass the school over to lay catholic teachers and administration.



The Redemptorist Fathers give the parish over to the Archdiocese and the last Redemptorist priests leave the parish. Monsignor John Gaydos is the first Diocesan pastor. 



The property between the church and school is bought, which had been a private residence. This is converted into additional office space, meeting rooms and given the name “The Majella House.”



Archbishop Justin Rigali celebrates a Mass of Thanksgiving commemorating the 40th anniversary of the parish. There are now 1375 families registered in the parish.



Groundbreaking for an addition to the parish center which includes a gymnasium and additional classrooms. Rev Herbert Hauck is Pastor at this time



The new parish center and gymnasium are completed. It is 24,000 square feet and houses additional classrooms, a new gym, a music room and a computer lab at the time. Archbishop Justin Rigali dedicates the new building.



The Marian garden outside of the gym is built and dedicated by Father Hauck



Renovations are done to the inside of the church and sanctuary. Removing the old textures on the wall behind the altar. A new marble altar is installed and consecrated. A new ambo is added in addition to taking up the carpet and putting in new marble. Tabernacle is moved behind the altar.



The Majella House is expanded to have four additional offices, a meeting room for youth ministry and a space for the quilters. 



Construction for the new school building takes place; 13 classrooms, school offices, Liguori Hall, a kitchen and maintenance area are built. 



An addition is built onto the church that includes a bigger gathering area and the Lady of Life adoration chapel. Renovation to the original parish building takes place. The upper level (original church) is used for parish meeting rooms, the lower level (Gold Room) is converted into a library, computer lab and music room.



Church is renovated with changes to the Sanctuary, Choir Area, new flooring, and a new HVAC system. The Crucifix is moved behind the altar, new lighting is replaced for the first time since the new church was built.  The usher's closet is replaced by the Resurection Chapel and a new communications area is created with a digital display.