
Confirmation is saying "Yes" to the promises first made at baptism. At our baptism, our parents and our godparents spoke for us. At Confirmation, it is our voice that is heard. We promise to reject Satan and all his empty promises. Confirmation increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us and completes our initiation into the Church. During Confirmation, The Laying on of Hands, when the Bishop extends his hands and prays over those to be confirmed echoes the Old Testament gesture as a sign of blessing and the passing on of authority. In the New Testament, by a touch of His hand, Jesus gave blessings and performed miracles and the Apostles delegated leadership. That is the opportunity being offered to us at Confirmation.

For Youth:

Confirmation for youth generally takes place during the 8th Grade year.  In order to be Confirmed, an individual must participate for at least 2 years of preparation.  In addition to reflecting on their Faith in class, candidates are asked to participate in other service and prayerful projects.  If a young person is beyond 8th Grade, and has still not received the Sacrament, he or she should contact Ann Eilermann to make arrangements.

For Adults:

Occasionally, for various reasons, an individual may not have been Confirmed in his or her youth.  Adults who are not yet Confirmed are invited to call the Parish Office, by January 1, to make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament.  Customarily, adults who have not been confirmed in their youth are invited to the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica for Confirmation.  This may be coordinated by calling one of the priests at 314-965-3986.