
Pilgrimage to Northern Illinois with Father Skillman

Posted on August 12, 2021 in: General News

Pilgrimage to Northern Illinois with Father Skillman

Please join us as Father Skillman leads a mini-pilgrimage to holy sites around Chicago this September!  We will travel by motorcoach departing Sunday morning, 9/12, and returning Friday afternoon, 9/17.  The cost is $2397 for double occupancy.  Stops include Shrines of St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Maximilian Kolbe and many other holy sites plus a tour of the Fulton Sheen Museum in Peoria.  Father will celebrate daily Mass and lead us in prayer. 

Celebrating Fr. Skillman's birthday at a White Sox game will be a trip highlight!  

Brochures are available here.

Departure is just a month away.  Please contact Jan Glunt at asap if interested.  
