
Youth Ministry - Personal Update from Erica

Posted on March 17, 2022 in: General News

Youth Ministry - Personal Update from Erica

I have some big news to share for my family and I! I will be moving on from the youth ministry program at St. Gerard at the end of this school year in May. This past fall (September 2021), we received an invitation to consider a move to the mission diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee in NW Florida (5% of the overall diocese is Catholic). I have since been offered and have accepted a position as the Director of Faith Formation and Family Ministries at the Cathedral of the
Sacred Heart in East Hill, Pensacola— I will start at my new parish in June.  

I’ve very much enjoyed and learned so much during my six years serving the teens and families here at SGM. I am grateful to each of you for your support as our family has grown (exponentially so!) over my time in ministry here. This is an unbelievably generous parish and I know with certainty I would not have been able to continue in ministry for so long without the support of all involved in parish life. I humbly ask you to please continue to pray for my family and if you would like more details on what is next for our family, please feel free to reach out any time. God bless you!

- My husband, Greg, with Ian (4), Ava (6), Bridget (1 1/2), and Leia (3)