SGM Soccer

Registration Fees

KINDERGARTEN AND 1ST - 8TH GRADE PLAYERS$130 for 1st child, $85 for each additional child

PRE-K$90 per child

Registration Period Opens in April
Season Practices start in late summer. Games end in November.
Eligibility Boys and Girls in grades Pre-K through 8
Commissioner 1st - 8th: Allen Brake, Mike Lorentz, Sal Cusumano, Wes Perkins, Luke Weissler
PreK - K: Chris Urban, Brad Partridge


Pre K Soccer

  • The PreK Program is roughly an 8 week season that takes place on Sunday afternoons at 4PM. Children have instruction for 30 min and then scrimmage another SGM team for about 20 minutes. All sessions take place at SGM. For Pre-K, the minimum age is 4 by August 1 of the current year. Coach/team assignments and game schedules will be communicated in late August. Sessions begin after Labor Day. Coaches will distribute uniform shirts and socks at the first session. Players should wear shin guards and bring a size 3 soccer ball and water to each session. Teams are formed randomly in alignment with the St. Gerard Majella Team Formation policy.

Kindergarten Soccer

  • Kindergarten participates in an instructional soccer league with St. Peter parish. Games are on Sundays and start between 12:00 PM and 3:00 PM. The game format is two concurrent 4 vs 4 games on two side-by-side small fields at SGM or Kirkwood Park. Kindergarten teams generally practice for one hour once a week on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Coach/team assignments, plus practice and game schedules will be communicated in late August. Games begin after Labor Day. Coaches will distribute uniform shirts and socks at the first session. Players should wear shin guards and bring a size 3 soccer ball and water to each practice and game. Efforts are made to try to keep players together from PreK to K. When changes are required, formation is in alignment with the St. Gerard Majella Team Formation policy.

1st through 8th Soccer

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grades participates in instructional 8 vs. 8 soccer played on a smaller soccer field. This instructional atmosphere allows a child to learn the game to improve his or her skills while having a lot of fun.
  • Games are played at SGM and Des Peres Park as well as various fields throughout the CYC Northwest Region. Field sizes vary throughout the league and game locations are selected based on the most appropriate field size for the team age.
  • Practices are held once weekly at SGM, Des Peres Park, Love Park, or Sugar Creek Park. Practice schedules are selected by the coach and announced in mid August.  
  • Practices start as early as August. Before September, coaches are on their own for practice fields since park permits are not available and the SGM fields are closed for maintenance.
  • Your child may participate in soccer teams in other leagues (other than the CYC). 
  • Players may not play on other teams in the CYC.
  • Regular season games may begin prior to Labor Day, at the leagues discretion. Schedules are generally not available until mid-August. The number of games played can range from 8 - 10 depending on a number of factors.
  • Each team may participate in one tournament before the season at the coach’s and parents’ discretion. The registration fee for one tournament will be paid by St. Gerard Majella Club (SGM Sports).
  • Depending on the number of children registering for soccer, we strive to have 10-14 players per team for Kindergarten through 4th Grade and 15-20 players per team for 5th through 8th Grades.
  • SGM Soccer plays in the CYC Northwest Region.
  • Please refer to the participation / eligibility page for information on rules and requirements for joining St. Gerard programs.


The SGM Majella Club provides uniforms for all soccer players. Kindergarten players receive a T-shirt as their jersey. The Kindergarten players may keep their T-shirts. All uniforms for 1st through 8th Grade must be returned to the Head Coach at the end of the season.

A fee of $75.00 per child will be charged to a family who does not return their soccer uniform.

Players should have shinguards, water and a ball for practices. For games shinguards, uniforms and water are needed for all players.

Uniform Sizing Chart


All parents or guardians are encouraged to volunteer in our soccer program as a head coach, assistant coach, team manager, practice/game helper, or party organizer. If your team already has a head coach selected, please ask the coach what you can do to help the team.

See the Volunteer Requirements Section if you are interested in being involved with this sport.

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